
PART OF THE Creature Comforts ISSUE

‘You have shores to discover and creatures to meet.’

Floris Books have, yet again, produced a beautiful picture book telling the story of the many adventures of the animals to be found in our seas an oceans. This lovely trailer gives you a small taste of the wonder inside.


Trailer for The Whale, the Sea and the Stars
By Adrián Macho
Published by Floris Books

Follow your heart, discover the world.

When Gerda the blue whale was very small, her mother would sing a beautiful song telling her that if she were ever lost she should look to the stars and they would guide her.

When it’s time for the little whale to leave home, her adventures take her from the warm waters of the equator to the freezing poles. Along the way she meets clever killer whales, playful penguins, a friendly polar bear and the ancient narwhale.

Then one day, the little whale realises she wants to find somewhere to stay forever. How will she know when she’s found the right sea for her? With her mother’s song in her heart, Gerda follows the stars to a place she knows she can call home.

Dive straight in to Adrián Macho’s beautiful artwork and discover Gerda’s song with this trailer for The Whale, the Sea and the Stars.


The Whale, the Sea and the Stars by Adrián Macho is published by Floris Books, priced £12.99

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