
Fishnet Returns: An Interview with Kirstin Innes


‘I’m here. I’m here. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who knows someone, and yet my sister has found a way of removing herself completely from this matrix of nosiness, has wiped her fingerprints off the world.’

An interview and reading with Kirstin Innes at The Edinburgh Bookshop on the return to print of her bold, brilliant and award-winning debut novel.


By Kirstin Innes
Published by Black and White Publishing


At BooksfromScotland we are delighted to see Kirstin Innes’s Fishnet back in print with the great folks at Black and White Publishing. Acclaimed far and wide on its original publication, Kirstin’s tale of Rona Leonard on the hunt for her missing sister within the sex industry that claimed her will challenge you and stay with you long after the final page. The new edition of the novel has an  afterword where Kirstin looks back at the journey she made while writing the novel, and its reception. She also pays tribute to Laura Lee, a committed sex-work campaigner, on her influence and inspiration. Many reviewers have hailed Fishnet an important book. Get yourselves a copy and find out why.

BooksfromScotland wish to thank The Edinburgh Bookshop for letting us share their interview.

We have 5 signed editions to give away to 5 lucky readers. All you have to do to get yourself one of those copies is to email with the subject heading Fishnet. Good luck!


Fishnet is published by Black and White Publishing, priced £8.99.

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