
PART OF THE The Gift of Reading ISSUE

‘The store in question was made of shining black bricks, bricks the colour of midnight that sparkled in the blood-orange light of the setting sun.’

If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect gift for children aged between 9 and 12, then we recommend the final instalment in Ross Mackenzie’s thrilling – and award-winning – Nowhere Emporium series. With pirates, nightmares, treasure monsters and a whole lot of magic, readers will surely delight in the twists and turns on offer. But you don’t need to take our word for it – here is Ross Mackenzie to tell us more . . .


The Otherwhere Emporium
By Ross Mackenzie
Published by Floris Books



The Otherwhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie is published by Floris Books, priced £7.99.

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