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Swan & Horn

Swan & Horn is a small, independent publishing house that combines traditional editorial standards with modern technology to produce first-class works of non-fiction in multiple formats. Our current books are multi-authored and evidenced based; they address individual, organisational and social factors in various aspects of healthcare practice at national and international levels, such as factors leading to compromised patient safety in hospitals and the mental health crisis in schools and colleges. They educate and stimulate collaboration between academics and clinicians and across disciplines and settings. Our forward list will further explore problem areas in healthcare, but also aims to make complex subjects accessible to non-academics, providing fresh insights, and fostering curiosity and debate.

One of the unique features of Swan & Horn is that all authors deal with just one person – the publishing manager – from inception and development, through production (including the creative stages) to publication and beyond, giving an unparalleled level of continuity and author involvement, and resulting in a very rewarding working relationship.

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