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National Museums Scotland – Publishing

NMS Enterprises Limited – Publishing is the publishing division of National Museums Scotland.

We produce lavishly illustrated catalogues for Museum exhibitions such as Catherine the Great: An Enlightened Empress and, in 2008, Silver: Made in Scotland, which celebrated 550 years of hallmarking in Scotland. Our very varied list includes, The Lewis Chessmen UnmaskedNorthern Lights: the Age of Scottish LighthousesLife Everlasting: National Museums Scotland’s Collection of Ancient Egyptian CoffinsMinerals of Scotland;  and Weights and Measures in Scotland (winner of the 2005 Saltire Society/National Library of Scotland Research Book of the Year Award).

With the European Ethnological Research Centre (EERC), an independent research body within Celtic and Scottish Studies at Edinburgh University, we publish the Flashbacks series of oral histories (6 titles to date); and, on their behalf, A Swedish Field Trip to the Outer Hebrides, 1934.

We also publish the Scotties activity series for young readers at home or at school: the 13 titles currently available include The JacobitesMary, Queen of ScotsGreyfriar’s Bobby; and Scotland’s Vikings; forthcoming titles include There shall be a Scottish Parliament.

Most of our books come through Museum curators or are commissioned, but the Publishing Director is open to ideas of scholarly or popular Scottish interest in our subject areas

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