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Dunedin Academic Press

While Dunedin Academic Press’s list reflects our base in Scotland, home to some of the world’s top universities, it contains authors and subjects from across the international academic world – our horizons are far broader than our immediate Scottish environment. Our representatives and distributors carry and sell our books throughout the world.

Dunedin Academic Press  publishes, in the main, for first year undergraduates through to postgraduate and research levels.

One of the strengths of Dunedin Academic Press is that we are able to offer our authors the individual support that comes from dealing with a small independent publisher committed to growth through careful treatment of its authors. While most of the books that Dunedin Academic Press publishes are commissioned, they welcome author approaches, particularly in the fields of:

  • Geology, Geography and Earth Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences

Proposal Guidelines may be found on our website.

DAP is a member of Publishing Scotland (, of the Publishers Association ( and the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM)

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